Usually, fairy tales deal with beautiful princesses who have nothing better to do than wait for the prince of their dreams. But there are also great stories about smart girls who take charge of their own destiny, who rise to a challenge and
navigate their lives with wit, intelligence and sometimes even a little magic. And if they happen to pick up a prince along the way, all the better.
Even though some nuts are tougher to crack than others, these twenty collected folk tales tell stories about princesses, maids and farmers´ daughters who know how to handle risky situations and deal with their adversaries by being clever
and daring to play a trick or two. And so they still find their happily ever after.
»Once there lived a mighty Tsar who was bored in his palace and wished for change …«
»A great book to read aloud or read by yourself in which fairytale are shown a different kind of role model.«
»Girls will love these stories. The book is smart and funny and inspires encourages reflection.«
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